KA SPENCER - Wiltshire, UK
Telephone: (+44) (0)843 289 9728
Email: kas at kaspencer dot com

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older software - (read & choose one)

The products on this page are older products adapted to run on all editions of Microsoft Windows. The relevant information follows the descriptions.
To purchase a copy of any of these programs, contact us via the email address at the top of this page.

PersSys Personnel Records
Keep track of your staff leave/holiday/absence/pay scales/qualifications and your company structure and lots more with this Personnel Record System.

JISys Journal / Document Indexing
"Where did I read that article"
"Have we got a copy of that regulation in our library", or
"Where will I find information on that subject"
JISys answers all of those questions as it allows you to record and index the keywords of books, journals, "grey" literature, and then to search the index.

RMSys Resource Managerment
If you provide a service of loans or hirings of equipment to individuals or organisations, this package will help you with that function.

         Natively, these applications run on x86 editions of all versions of Windows.
         However, they include system support, automatically implemented, which enables them to run on 64bit (x64) versions as well.]



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